The mechanical design of a robot will affect the performance that a robot can provide. In order to reach the maximum limitation on robot performance, the consideration of hardware components must be well implemented. Our robot has 3 bases. The first base is used as locomotion part, the second base for ball handling and kicking mechanism, and the third base is used as the upper body for vision placement. The average error generated by odometry reading of the on the x and y-axes is about 9.764%. The resulting overshoot on the dribbler motor is 24.77% with a maximum error of 0.34697 m/s. We obtained the correlation between the PWM signal and initial velocity of the ball kicked. For the vision system, it has successfully captured almost 360 degrees views of the field and it accurately locates the ball position to the robot itself. The maximum view of this vision system is 6.5 meter.
@article{IEEE,title={Hardware Implementation in Developing Wheeled Soccer Robot for Middle Size League},author={Febrianto, E. and Priandiri, VP. and Mutijarsa, K.},journal={International Conference on Information Technology Systems and Innovation (ICITSI)},pages={342-346},numpages={5},year={2018},month=aug,url={},}
Pengembangan Platform Robot Sepak Bola Beroda
Febrianto, E., Faqih, A., and Gumarilang, A.
5th Indonesian Symposium on Robotic Systems and Control, Jul 2017
Robot sepak bola beroda adalah topik yang banyak diminati di kalangan peneliti dan akademisi. Hingga saat ini, platform yang dikembangkan baik di Indonesia dan di dunia sangat beragam. Pada tulisan ini akan dibahas tentang pengembangan platform robot sepak bola beroda. Platform dikembangkan dengan lokomosi menggunakan 3 roda dan 4 roda, dua buah kamera, dan kontroler. Dari segi lokomosi, robot dapat bergerak dengan maksimal error sebesar 5%. Pengembangan platform menggunakan dua kamera yang digunakan meliputi kamera atas dan kamera depan. Kamera atas digunakan untuk mendeteksi bola saat bola berada di dekat robot, sedangkan kamera depan digunakan saat bola berada jauh dari robot.
@article{ISBN,title={Pengembangan Platform Robot Sepak Bola Beroda},author={Febrianto, E. and Faqih, A. and Gumarilang, A.},journal={5th Indonesian Symposium on Robotic Systems and Control,},pages={55--60},numpages={6},year={2017},month=jul,}